User aus Österreich
Tirol (36566) (30,
) aus Westendorf
i <3 all my friends sats ma soooouuu WICHTI genwh 2 gether 4 ever
-.lover.- (29,
) aus Schönste Dorf Europas (1998 - immer)
And maybe someday we will meet and maybe talk and not just speek...
A paar ernennenswerte...
- Schnarchi...
LiSa28 (29,
) aus .ღ .kEsSn... *gg*♥♫..innsbruck
sMilE a wHilE,
whIle yOu smIlE,
aN otHer sMileS,
aFteR a wHilE,
tHerE arE miLeS aNd mIleS oF sMilEs!! keEP sMilinG!!...
whIle yOu smIlE,
aN otHer sMileS,
aFteR a wHilE,
tHerE arE miLeS aNd mIleS oF sMilEs!! keEP sMilinG!!...